
Mental Health and Wellbeing

cd-icon 13 Titles in the series
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This 13 part training program will arm your people with a myriad of ideas and techniques with how best to deal with mental health and wellbeing.

Training video supplied on a DVD disc, with trainer support notes PDF .


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Online Video Licence
Training video supplied in digital video format (mp4), with trainer support notes PDF .
From $1395.00
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Individual Titles
From $95.00
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hat-iconAvailable in eLearning (SCORM) format.

Mental health and wellbeing is perhaps the most significant health and safety issue in the workplace today. This 13 part series is a comprehensive guide to dealing with this very topic.

The first eight modules provide effective tips for managing mental health and wellbeing for the manager or supervisor. The final five modules detail how workers can assist in maintaining a psychologically healthy workplace. Furthermore, it also details how to manage their own mental health.

This 13 part mental health and wellbeing training program will arm your people with a myriad of ideas. In addition, they will learn skills on how best to deal with mental health and wellbeing.

At Channel 1 we have been in business for more than 28 years, long enough to see the change in how mental health issues are viewed and treated. But we understand that many employers and their staff are confused about the potential signs of someone struggling with a mental health condition, and the various factors that can contribute to it. That is why we have produced this comprehensive series of mental health training videos, providing our customers with a clear and direct explanation of how best to manage mental health and wellbeing in any workplace.

Aim of This Series of Mental Health Training Videos:

In December 2016, the National Mental Health Commission stated that the cost of mental ill-health in Australia each year was around $4,000 per person, or $60 billion in total.

Statistics also show that one in five Australian workers will suffer some form of anxiety this year.

It’s a well known fact that when workers are not feeling the best, they can’t work at their best. So maintaining a positive approach to psychological health and safety, it just makes good business sense.

An essential ingredient to creating and maintaining a mentally healthy and well-being workplace is the focus of all workers to care for each other and the skills of management to make this happen.

This training program sets out easy to follow guidelines for managers to create a mentally healthy work environment and a culture where their team is effectively identifying and helping to manage psychosocial hazards in the workplace.

It also details several coping skills for workers when faced with change or stressful situations.

It achieves this by focusing on three main areas:

  • Promoting positive mental well-being
  • Protecting workers from mental injury and illness and
  • Addressing mental injury and illness

Whatever the type of workplace you are employed by, mental health will be an issue your workplace will be faced with not just this year but years to come.
Our range of mental health training videos are designed to educate all members of your workplace on the importance of maintaining and monitoring their own mental health, and help them to understand how various factors (both internal and external) can influence it.


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The Consultation
The Script
Instructional Design
The Graphics
Video Production Melbourne

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    Submit your details below and we'll send you a link to access a full length preview of this title.

    The Consultation
    The Script
    Instructional Design
    The Graphics
    Video Production Melbourne

    Over 30 Years of high quality video production

    DVD Enquiry

    This training video can be supplied on a DVD disc for playback on a DVD player. If there are trainer support notes supplied, these get supplied on a CD.

    To order a DVD copy of this training program, simply fill in and submit the form below, and we’ll be in touch shortly to process your order.

    Please note, there are copyright restrictions with the DVD format, where the video content must not be copied or pulled from the disc. So for online training, we highly recommend our online digital video licence instead, which will provide you with the appropriate format and the flexibility for delivery.

      The Consultation
      The Script
      Instructional Design
      The Graphics
      Video Production Melbourne

      Over 30 Years of high quality video production

      Online Video Licence Enquiry

      With an online video licence, you will receive the training video in a digital format (eg. mp4) for online application – upload to your organisation’s intranet, LMS or online platform.

      The licence is a “one-off” investment, and is based on the number of staff accessing the content online, and the number of titles purchased.

      Alternatively, we can host the video and supply access via a link (annual streaming licence), where the video will stream directly to your computer, or online platform.

      Simply enter your details below with some information regarding use of the video, and we’ll be in touch shortly.

        The Consultation
        The Script
        Instructional Design
        The Graphics
        Video Production Melbourne

        Over 30 Years of high quality video production

        Individual Titles Enquiry

        This series is made up of individual modules. You can pick and choose which modules suit you best and from that, we can create a tailored package for you.

        Contact us to discuss pricing options for a tailored package.

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