Safety in Healthcare – Sharps Safety


Healthcare workers are at risk of sharps injuries, which can lead to exposure to potentially infectious bloodborne viruses, including hepatitis B, C, and HIV.
Sharps injuries can occur during various phases, including when a sharp is used on a patient, before disposal, and during or after disposal.
This training video program examines the safe handling and disposal of sharps, the significance of using personal protective equipment (PPE), and practical steps to prevent sharps injuries.
After watching the video, or completing the self-paced eLearning format, workers will learn:
- The risks associated with sharps injuries, including potential exposure to blood-borne infectious agents
- The critical importance of proper sharps handling and disposal in healthcare settings to ensure the safety of healthcare workers
- Strategies and safe work procedures to prevent sharps injuries, including the use of safety devices, maintaining awareness, and avoiding rushed or distracted work