The Easy Guide to Outdoor Power Tools
When working with outdoor power tools like brush cutters, whipper-snippers or edgers, care must be taken to protect yourself. This is because they can fling up objects like sticks, stones and glass at high speed.
This training program alerts the outdoor worker to those risks and sends some clear and succinct messages on how to avoid accidents, and keep the workplace safe for operators, fellow workers and the public.
After completing this training program, your workers will be able to:
- Recognise the importance of scanning an area before working in it
- Identify the correct PPE to wear when operating an outdoor power tool
- Identify some simple rules for when using a chainsaw
The Easy Guide to Outdoor Power Tools is available as a 4 minute short, succinct and effective video only or within a comprehensive online, self-paced e-Learning module (SCORM compliant).