The Easy Guide to Asbestos
Available as video only or self-paced e-Learning, this module highlights the importance of identifying and controlling the risks associated with asbestos.


Asbestos was a popular building and manufacturing product up until 2003 when it, and products that contained asbestos, were completely banned in Australia.
Exposure to asbestos fibres may cause asbestosis or cancer and as such it must be treated with extreme caution.
After completing the Easy Guide To Asbestos, your workers will be able to:
- Appreciate the importance of identifying and controlling the risks associated with asbestos
- Recognise that there is no safe level of exposure to asbestos fibres
- Know that asbestos comes in 2 forms and what to do if asbestos is discovered in the workplace
- List the items that must go in an Asbestos Management Plan
The Easy Guide to Asbestos is precisely that… an easy to follow, short, succinct, and effective guide highlighting the various hazards associated with asbestos.