Fire Safety
This Fire Safety video and eLearning program discusses what employees can do to minimise the risks of a fire occurring in their workplace.


In fire safety video, which is also available as DVD or eLearning, your staff will learn how they can keep their workplace safe.
Fire can be a more than useful partner of industry. However, uncontrolled it can be our worst and most feared enemy.
The ability of fire to destroy life and property is without comparison. More often than not, businesses that are destroyed by fire never recover or reopen.
Everyone in their workplace should have a vested interest in the prevention of fire and be aware of what actions to take in the event of a fire.
By completing this training program, viewers will learn:
- The various areas and processes that could be a fire risk in the workplace
- The various classes of fire
- The various extinguisher types for each class of fire
- How to use the various fire fighting equipment