The Easy Guide to Emergency Evacuation


There are many different reasons why the evacuation of a workplace may need to occur.
Whatever this reason may be, it is imperative that all workers are able to act in a way that is going to save their life and not put others at risk.
By watching The Easy Guide to Emergency Evacuation, your trainees will learn:
- The different types of emergencies that can occur
- Various reasons why an evacuation may need to occur
- The importance of Site Emergency Evacuation Plans
- Responsibilities assigned to wardens, incident controller, fire fighting teams and first aiders
- What to do if an emergency occurs
As is the case with all things safety related, prevention is far better than cure!
The Easy Guide to Emergency Evacuation, with a duration of 4 minutes, will equip your workers with the knowledge required to be ready to act in a proactive and efficient manner to ensure the safety of all involved in an emergency.
Available as video only or in an online, self-paced e-Learning module (SCORM compliant).