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Two Safety Video Production Treatments
By: channel 1 creative media | Dec 28, 2024 | Video for Business , Video Production Tips

When it comes to video production of any type, the script is the most important component. It’s hard to make a bad script look good so great care should be taken in what is going to be said and how it is going to be delivered.

With safety videos, there are numerous ways in which the message can be delivered.

Treatments will vary depending on factors such as budget, target audience, and what will deliver a look and feel that aligns with an organisation’s ethos and branding.

A common theme for a number of safety videos we’ve produced with clients recently is that their own employees have delivered the key health and safety messages; they were essentially the “stars of the show”.

In terms of connecting with the target audience, this is hugely powerful, since the target audience is listening to a message from one of their peers.

A message is certainly perceived as more relevant and more valuable when you have something in common with the deliverer.

But do you go with a scripted message, or unscripted message? We explore either option below:

Scripted Safety Video Production

Having a script will ensure you communicate the exact information you want the viewer to receive.

A staff induction training video we produced for a client specialising in cold chain services, featured their workers delivering the safety message on topics relevant to their working environment such as traffic management, manual handling and slips tips and falls via a script to ensure accuracy of the message.

A little patience and some coaching and the end result was a personable touch which aligned nicely with the organisation’s promotion of a ‘people first’ principle (underlined by values such as teamwork, respect, and passion).

Unscripted Safety Video Production

Familiarisation is super important, As a fire can become out of control within a few second, there’s no use in having a ‘rough idea’ of what should happen.

Working with unscripted responses from staff, or in some cases, families of staff or children, allows you to tap into the emotional aspect of a message.

So much so, a recent project working on the Golden Rules of Safety for Inghams got incredible results.

The videos featured workers and families of workers simply answering questions and relaying why safety in the workplace was so important to them.

The results …. raw, simple, heart rendering and highly effective.

One of the hardened workers summed up the end product perfectly when he said “I have been watching safety videos for 30 years and nothing has come close to affecting me like that video!”

Which Safety Video Production Treatment Worked Best?

There is no definitive answer whether to script or not script but perhaps one lesson we did learn from these two projects is that from an engagement point of view, nothing beats one’s peers and families.

For more information on corporate videos including safety video production, click here.