Bullying and Harassment for Managers
Everyone has the right to work in an environment free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence!
The incidence of workplace bullying and harassment is a significant problem in today's workforce.
It can impact on your organisation socially as well as economically.
Co-written by one of the leading Australian workplace psychologists this training video will dramatically explain to your managers:
- What is and what isn't bullying
- How bullying impacts on the workplace as well as the victims and witnesses
- The organisation's responsibilities
- The various factors that may instigate workplace bullying and how to look out for them
- Some of the warning signs that an individual may be being bullied
- Steps that should be taken and how to go about the resolution process
The cost of workplace bullying Australian wide is estimated at a staggering $6 to $36 billion a year!
These figures alone make for compulsive viewing.