Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work


For many years, health and safety laws have stated that employers have a responsibility to provide a safe working environment that is without risk to health. The health they refer to has always included psychological health as well as physical health.
Recently, state and federal authorities have been gradually updating their health and safety regulations, and are now placing an even greater focus on psychosocial hazards in the workplace.
This training program outlines what is important when it comes to the psychosocial health of your workplace, a simple, easy to follow guide to know what to look for and an effective risk management approach for you to follow.
After watching this training video, or completing the self-paced eLearning version, your staff should be able to:
- Recognise the signs and indicators of psychosocial distress in others, enabling early recognition and intervention
- Identify and assess psychosocial hazards in the workplace that can contribute to mental health issues.
- Demonstrate effective communication skills to approach individuals experiencing psychosocial issues
- Recognise the potential benefits of effectively managing psychosocial hazards, such as improved morale, engagement, performance, and productivity.
A must watch for any organisation wanting to ensure they are complying with their legal responsibilities.