Outdoor Worker Safety Series

SKU: 112
Category: Induction Programs
This Outdoor Workers Safety training program is perfect for toolbox meetings, inductions and or refresher training if you have workers who work in the outdoors. SCROLL DOWN to view each module in the series.

Training video supplied on a DVD disc, with trainer support notes PDF .

Online Video Licence
Training video supplied in digital video format (mp4), with trainer support notes PDF .
From $1495.00

Individual Titles
From $59.00

Designed, written and produced with the assistance and often guidance from Brian Doyle – Health and Safety Advisor at Shepparton City Council.
30 safety training programs dealing with a variety of safety topics relevant to the outdoor worker and their tools and equipment, working environment and general safe work practices.
Titles In The Series
An Introduction Outdoor Worker Safety
Accident Incident Reporting Outdoor Worker
Consultation Outdoor Worker
Dealing With Difficult Behaviour Outdoor Worker
Drugs and Alcohol Outdoor Worker
Duty of Care Outdoor Worker
Elevated Work Platforms
Eye Safety Outdoor Worker
Harassment and Bullying Outdoor Worker
Fatigue Outdoor Worker
Getting In And Out Of Vehicles
Hand Tool Safety
Herbicides and Pesticides Outdoor Worker
Infection Control Outdoor Worker
Know Your Surroundings
Lifting and Carrying Outdoor Worker
Machinery And Lawnmowers
Manual Handling Outdoor Worker
Moving Vehicles Outdoor Worker
Outdoor Power Tools
Personal Protective Equipment Outdoor Worker
Pre Start Checks
Protecting Your Hearing Outdoor Worker
Risk Assessment Hazard Control
Road Safety Outdoor Worker
Safe Work Method Statements Outdoor Worker
Skin Cancer Outdoor Worker
Snake and Spider Bites
Wader Safety
Working In Heat