Communication at Work Series
This 9 part training video series examines the various factors that contribute to effective communication in the workplace. Scroll down to view each title in the series.
This 9-part training video series examines the various factors that contribute to effective communication in the workplace. From these communication training videos, you and your staff will be provided with a range of thought-provoking content and scenarios designed to spark conversation. From active listening to non-verbal communication, this series is designed to improve workplace interactions by emphasising understanding and respect among colleagues.
Communicating in groups and nonverbally
Channel 1 provides a range of resources for effective communication training. Videos are ideal for exploring ideas and scenarios relating to non-verbal cues, and our content is accompanied by a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation for added efficacy.
Listening with empathy and listening techniques
Good manners mean more than just please and thank you, and active listening is perhaps the most important way of expressing respect, empathy and understanding to one another. Our videos on listening with empathy and listening techniques are designed to provoke conversation among your team and reaffirm the basic tenets of active listening.
Avoiding jargon and assumptions
Effective communication training videos go beyond the stock standard ideas and delve into the challenges workplaces face when staff members make assumptions that do not align with a person’s lived experience or use language that is difficult to decipher. We know this can be a sensitive area for most workplaces, which is why we created the series to function as a tool to broach these topics in a supportive and considerate context.